Glynis’ Upcoming Activities and Highlights
Starting January 2024, Glynis will have an online cooking show, called “Cooking with Glynis’ Kitchen Master Class”. Glynis will be streaming new cooking content each week for her members who are primarily home chefs, working parents, foodies, and people who are new to the kitchen. To their surprise, they will be able to make a delicious meal in an hour or less just by pulling items from their fridge and pantry.
To bring more excitement to the Master Class, occasionally, Glynis will invite various professional chefs, home chefs, and celebrities to her kitchen as well as visit theirs.
Glynis promises that by the end of her Master Classes, her members will be turning something from a box into what their family thinks took all day to prepare.
Once launched, “Cooking with Glynis’ Kitchen Master Class” will be a valuable resource for anyone including the community of foodies and folks who just want to know how to cook and bake like The Waffle Queen, Glynis Albright.
Glynis is also expanding her product distribution to her hometown of New Orleans. She is making her products more readily available to various grocery store chains that sell delicious southern foods. Yes, The Waffle Queen has a distribution warehouse in her hometown! So, look for her to make more appearances in the New Orleans French Quarters and Garden District areas as she travels there to check on her products.
Glynis Albright, The Waffle Queen has been invited back to showcase her waffles at the Palm Desert Food and Wine Festival at the end of March 2024. The Waffle Queen booth and display was on fire in 2023! Delicious samples of Glynis’ Waffles were served to attendees having a choice of two different scrumptious toppings. Over-the-top surprises are in store for 2024!